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Chula Vista Edition: December 7, 2012

two smiling kids in winter caps
Image: Original, All Rights Reserved

LED Light Exchange was a SUCCESS!

Thank you existing and new members for getting rid of 275 energy sucking lights! We are excited to announce that over 200 new participants signed up for the Challenge. Welcome new members! It's great to have you saving energy with us this season.

Missed the light exchange? Stay tuned here or email for info.


snowy tree

Winter tips from SDG&E®

While we may not get snow in San Diego, temperatures can get a bit chilly. Here are some tips to save energy and money while staying comfortable this winter:

✓Feeling a draft? Your home may benefit from new windows, insulation and duct sealing. Check out Energy Upgrade’s incentive program that will help make your entire home more energy efficient and gives you money back! Visit to learn more.
✓More people = more food: ENERGY STAR® qualified refrigerators are required to use 20% less energy than non-qualified models.
✓Guests may bring extra laundry – consider a high-efficiency washer that uses 55% less water and 30% less energy. You may also get an additional rebate from your local water agency or city.
✓Space heaters are best when you’re trying to heat one room. If you use more than one, you can use more energy and spend more money than if you had just used your gas furnace to heat your entire home.

Connect at for more info.


bird standing on bird
Image: Ibenit

Stay on Top of Your Game!

Been a couple of weeks since you logged into the Challenge? Don't wait another day to get your points in December. Log in and track your energy and odometer readings today.


Gift wrapped in newspaper
Image: Pintrest

Tip of the Week: Make Your Own Wrapping Paper!

Step 1: Find old newspapers or one sided papers.
Step 2: Color or draw on the paper. Be creative!
Step 3: It's ready! Wrap the gift.

It's the perfect way to make your gift extra personal.


Which Gift Has a Lower Carbon Footprint?

A) A Massage from a local spa
B) A Blouse from a local boutique

Find out which gift is more ecofriendly
and go green for the holidays!

blue rectangular box with a clip art of thumbs up and the word like aka facebook's like button


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Help Spread the Word about the Challenge!

We need your help in reaching our goal of signing up hundreds of Chula Vista households. Each new participant gets 100 points for signing up!

Here's what you can do:

  • Forward this e-mail to your friends
  • Share the Challenge home page
  • Like the Challenge on Facebook
  • Follow the Challenge on Twitter @CoolCAChallenge


Questions for our local team? Contact us

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*Photography and media sourced form 3rd party sites in no way implies support or affiliation with the CoolCalifornia Challenge, University of California at Berkeley, or any partners.

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