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Sacramento Edition: July 17, 2012

125,000 Points

Cool Down and Keep Up the Competiton

Cool Californians enjoy summer and know how to beat the heat while staying green!

Veggies Photo: Fiddlehead Farm


This is the best time of year to enjoy this month’s CoolCA theme: FOOD. Here in Sacramento you can go to a Farmers’ Market just about every day of the week. Not only are fresh and fabulous fruits and vegetables plentiful, some of the markets have bread, meat, and other goodies. Food from the supermarket has a large carbon footprint since it travels an average of 1500 miles. Save energy by buying from local farmers, which also helps our local economy. It’s win win win all around. Tastier and healthier food, smaller carbon footprint, and better for the community.

watermelon Photo: Roboppy,

Popsicles and Other Easy Tricks

Many of the tricks to beat the heat are quite simple. Open your windows at night to let in the cool air. In the morning, shut windows and put the shades down before things start to heat up. With almost no effort you can keep the house cool until late afternoon and may find you can forego air conditioning altogether. Popsicles or a cool shower can help get over that late afternoon hump before you can open the windows again to cooler air.


Where Do You Rank?

Go to your profile page to find out how you rank compared to the other CoolCA players in Sacramento. If you need ideas for improving your rank, SMUD has conservation tips.

odometerPhoto: Wikipedia Commons

Get More Points!

You can really rack up the points if you log your odometer readings each month. Note that you don’t get any points the first month so register your cars now and start getting points next month. And don’t forget to log your SMUD and PGE numbers each month too.


Congratulations, Toby!

This week’s raffle winner is Toby, who won a Kill-A-Watt. The Kill-a-Watt can help you identify how much energy your appliances use. If you weren’t the lucky winner, you can check out a Kill-A-Watt from the library.


Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter at CoolSacramento

go back

Did you know you can go back and add your energy info from March, April, May and June? If you joined the contest recently, put in those numbers from your earlier PGE and SMUD bills to increase your points.

Upcoming Events

Cut your cubes

Stay tuned for the next CutYouCubes event in Sacramento!

Challenge Update


Sacramento is in 2nd Place

Sacramento now has more than 125,000 points, up from 111,000 two weeks ago. Congrats on earning over 14,000 points in the last two weeks, and keep up the good work!


Laughs Photo by John Markos O’Neill via Flickr*

Just for Laughs

"How do you make an apple turnover?"

"Push it down a hill."


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*Photography and media sourced form 3rd party sites in no way implies support or affiliation with the CoolCalifornia Challenge, University of California at Berkeley, or any partners.

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