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Chula Vista Edition: July 17, 2012

114,000 Points

Cool Down and Keep Up the Competiton

Cool Californians enjoy summer and know how to beat the heat while staying green!

The month of July is Chula Vista's last chance to win $10,000 and become a Cool California City. So, make sure to upload your energy bills and vehicle miles traveled! Tell your friends to sign up, too.

Challenge Update
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Did you know you can go back and add your energy info from March, April, May, and June? If you joined the contest recently, put in those numbers from your earlier SDG&E bills to increase your points.


points ranking

Chula Vista is in 4th Place

Chula Vista now has more than 114,000 points, up from 48,000 two weeks ago. Congrats on earning over 66,000 points in the last two weeks, and keep up the good work!



compostPhoto by Jessica Mullen via Flickr*

Are You Going to Eat That?

Americans throw away 1/3 of the food we buy – more than 34 million tons a year. When you send food waste to landfill, “it quickly rots and becomes a significant source of methane— a potent greenhouse gas with 21 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide” (EPA). Why not compost instead? It’s good for the planet and it’ll give you nutritious soil for your garden, too!

Learn more about home composting in Chula Vista!


pie chart

Calories = Carbon

The average American eats about 2800 calories per day – 25% more than the recommended 2000 calories. Since food production generates greenhouse gases, eating fewer calories can help you be healthy and reduce your carbon footprint! Can you guess which type of food produces the most greenhouse gases? Click on the pie chart to find out.

For more info, check out the CoolClimate Carbon Footprint Calculator.



Cool Down With Water

A 12-ounce can of Coke has 140 calories and 39 grams of sugar. To cool down this summer, drink tap water instead! It's healthy, refreshing, and super cheap!




ApplesPhoto by USDA via Flickr*

More Healthy Recipes!

Be sure to visit Chula Vista's farmers market!

What can you do with all the fresh, in-season produce you buy at the local farmers market? Make some delicious meals, of course! We’ve got recipes for you.


Worldwide Environmental Events

July is Park and Recreation Month

July is National Picnic Month


Photo by John Markos O’Neill via Flickr*

Just for Laughs

"How do you make an apple turnover?"

"Push it down a hill."


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Help Spread the Word about the Challenge!

We need your help in reaching our goal of signing up hundreds of Chula Vista households. Each new participant gets 100 points for signing up!

Here's what you can do:

  • Forward this e-mail to your friends your friends
  • Share our home page
  • Like us on Facebook
  • Follow us on Twitter @CoolCAChallenge


Questions for our local team? Contact us

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*Photography and media sourced form 3rd party sites in no way implies support or affiliation with the CoolCalifornia Challenge, University of California at Berkeley, or any partners.

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